Metzger lobbies Albany in support of short-term rental laws

Ulster County Executive Jen Metzger.

ALBANY – Ulster County Executive Jen Metzger last week traveled to Albany to add her vocal support to legislation proposed by Senator Michelle Hinchey and Assembly Member Patricia Fahy to regulate short-term rentals and create a statewide Short-Term Rental (STR) Registry.

County Executive Metzger joined political, hospitality and housing advocacy leaders in urging passage of Bill S885B/A4130, which would allow municipalities to better track and monitor STRs and better understand the revenue they generate as well as their impacts on housing and local infrastructure and services. The State Senate has proposed that the legislation be included as part of the 2024-2025 Budget, which is expected to be finalized in the coming days.

This bill would also allow local governments to collect sales tax on short-term rentals for the first time — an additional revenue source that could be used to address local housing and other needs while reducing reliance on property taxes. Additionally, the legislation includes requirements that rental hosts carry insurance and have health and safety protections in place.

“We have seen a huge growth in the STR market in Ulster County over the years, and some communities have seen as much as 5% to 10% of their housing stock converted to short-term rentals,” County Executive Metzger said. “While STRs have benefits for our communities and local economy, there is no question that the growth of this market is exacerbating the housing affordability crisis, and the proposed legislation will enable communities to better balance the benefits with the costs and impacts on their communities. I want to thank State Senator Hinchey and Assembly Member Fahy for sponsoring this important legislation, and I strongly urge the Governor and Legislative Leaders to include this bill in the final budget.”

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