Letter to the Editor: Physical therapy is a cost-effective way to improve healthcare


Dear Editor,

A recent study pointed out that this summer alone, extreme heat will cause $1 billion in U.S. healthcare costs.  As we go through another hot summer here in the Hudson Valley, it is clear that the cost of health care is a challenge for many New Yorkers.

One cost-effective way to improve healthcare that is not discussed enough is physical therapy.  Physical therapists are licensed healthcare professionals who play a critical role in preventing or improving chronic conditions, managing pain, avoiding surgery, minimizing the use of prescription drugs, and recovering from and preventing injuries.

What many people do not realize is that you do not need a referral from a physician to see a physical therapist.  This is known as “direct access,” and it means that you can make an appointment directly with a physical therapist, saving time and money.  These visits are usually covered through employer-provided health care coverage and other insurance plans.

Physical therapists are part of the solution to making healthcare more accessible and affordable and the New York Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, the organization representing New York’s physical therapists, has been working to reduce barriers to care and ensure that as many people as possible are aware of the benefits of physical therapy.

If you are in pain, don’t wait, contact a physical therapist and start treatment today.  It is an affordable way to live a healthier, happier life.


Matthew & Nannette Hyland
Dobbs Ferry, NY
Hudson Valley Physical Therapists

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