How Much Are Porcelain Veneers?


Communicated Content – Porcelain veneers transform your appearance, but how much are porcelain veneers? As much as porcelain veneers upgrade your appearance, it is essential to be able to afford the treatment. 

Fortunately, Turkey offers porcelain veneers at many affordable costs. Compared to porcelain veneers cost in the US and UK, the cost of veneers in Turkey is 70% less. Although at a low cost, there is no compromise on the quality of veneers.


What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are the most durable types of veneers, transforming your look and giving you a natural smile. In addition, these veneers are semi-translucent, mimicking your natural teeth to give you a flawless smile.


Why Are Porcelain Veneers Important?

Although a cosmetic procedure, porcelain veneers are essential for fixing several dental problems. Some of the issues porcelain veneers fix include;

  • Teeth discoloration from root canal treatment and excessive fluoride use. In addition, if you have tetracycline-stained teeth or teeth stained from other drugs or large resin fillings, porcelain veneers are for you.
  • Teeth misalignment. Porcelain veneers can correct minor irregular shaped and uneven teeth.
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Worn down teeth
  • Tooth gaps


How Do Porcelain Veneers Change Your Appearance?

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells. Dentists bond these shells over the front surface of your teeth to alter the color, shape, size, and length of your natural teeth. Consequently, this change transforms your smile and overall appearance.


How Much Are Porcelain Veneers?

The cost of porcelain veneers varies in different countries. But in Turkey, you can get one of the cheapest yet most quality cosmetic dentistry worldwide. For instance, the cost of porcelain veneers in Turkey ranges between $150 and $330 per tooth. And if you are getting 20 units, the price is $5,800.

The price of veneers in Turkey depends on factors like a dental clinic’s prominence, the dentist’s experience, and the number of veneers you install.


Porcelain Veneers Placement Procedure 

Getting porcelain veneers in Turkey requires only two visits to the dentist. And in dental clinics like Dentakay that use CEREC technology, you can get your veneers in a single visit. The technology molds your veneer shells in no time. 

When you go to the dentist for the first time, your dentist will prepare your teeth. Teeth preparation involves cleaning and shaving some of your tooth enamel. Next, your dentist removes enamel with enough thickness to accommodate your veneers. After removing the enamel, your dentist will take your teeth impression to mold veneers that perfectly fit.

Once your veneer shells are ready, the next step is the bonding process. During this process, your dentist will first check the veneers’ fit, color, and shape. If you and your dentist are satisfied with the veneers’ look, your dentist will use medical-grade dental cement.

After bonding, your dentist will harden the cement using a curing light. The dentist will also polish your veneers, giving you a perfect smile. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about pain during your porcelain veneer placement procedure as the process the painless. However, you may only feel teeth sensitivity for a few days after your procedure.


How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers are durable. They may persist for up to 15 years, depending on how well you maintain them. Fortunately, there is no special care for your porcelain veneers. All you have to do is maintain them the same way as your natural teeth.


How To Maintain Your Porcelain Veneers

Basic oral hygiene is necessary to maintain your porcelain veneers.

Brush and floss your veneers daily to remove debris and hidden food particles. Also, use a non-alcoholic mouthwash to remove bacteria. Non-alcoholic mouthwash is the best for veneers because alcohol degrades the bonding cement that holds the veneers to your natural teeth.

Furthermore, always visit your dentist for routine dental checkups and cleanings. Your dentists can detect problems with your veneers during these checks, treating them before they become severe.

You should also avoid hard foods like candy or ice because they can chip your veneers. Avoiding tooth grinding is another strategy to extend the life of your veneers. Bruxism wears out the top layers of your veneers. Therefore, if you grind your teeth at night, inform your dentist so you can get a customized night guard.


Can You Tell If Someone Is Wearing Porcelain Veneers?

You can only tell that someone is wearing veneers if they are poorly fabricated and do not match the natural appearance of the person wearing them. Usually, when someone with improperly placed veneers speaks or smiles, the natural teeth are distinctly visible.

Dentists in Turkey are experienced and highly sought after due to their expertise in cosmetic dental treatments, including veneers. Consequently, due to their high level of experience, it is tough to tell that someone is wearing veneers.


Should I Get Veneers Or Crowns?

Both veneers and dental crowns fix dental problems to improve the appearance and function of teeth. These treatments are essential for restoring discolored, decayed, chipped, cracked, or crooked teeth.

Furthermore, both veneers and crowns match your teeth, requiring the same level of care to last as long as possible. But, the difference between crowns and veneers is the reason for getting them in the first place.

While dental crowns are thicker and more permanent compared to veneers, veneers are more aesthetically pleasing. So, if the reason for changing your teeth’ appearance is aesthetics, veneers are ideal for you.

Nevertheless, visit your dentist for an examination and discuss the best treatment for you.



Porcelain veneers give you a flawless smile, boosting your appearance and self-esteem. This article explores how much porcelain veneers cost. Furthermore, it has been established that the price of porcelain veneers is between $150 to $330 per tooth. Therefore, getting your veneers in Turkey is best without compromising quality medical care.


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