State of Ulster County is strong, says county executive

Ulster County Executive Patrick Ryan

KINGSTON – Ulster County is in a strong position to grow and prosper in the years to come, County Executive Patrick Ryan said on Wednesday as he delivered his annual state of the county address.

He outlined “bold, generational investments” in housing, mental health and addiction recovery services, economic development, and climate action that he said will position the county as a national leader.

“Not only because we are meeting the immediate needs of our residents at a time of such great challenge, but also because we have our eyes on the future,” he said. We are making generational investments that will position Ulster County as a national leader, a beacon of growth and dynamism that’s also committed to taking care of our most vulnerable, a community we can all be proud of.”

Ryan urged residents to begin to look “beyond the pandemic,” and to look ahead to a bright, optimistic. “COVID may remain part of our lives, but we can’t let it dominate our lives,” he said.




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