Ulster partners with Family of Woodstock to offer transitional housing

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KINGSTON – Ulster County will be allocating $80,000 in a partnership with Family of Woodstock to administer housing vouchers for local hotel stays for people who are entering or leaving substance abuse treatment.

At the same time, the county continues to invest in building long-term housing capacity, officials said.

Through the partnership, residents will be able to have up to two weeks of respite housing with referrals being made through local treatment providers and placements being connected to the county’s High-Risk Mitigation Team.

The mitigation team is a collaboration between ORACLE, Samadhi, Catholic Charities, People USA, Ellenville Regional Hospital, and the county Health and Mental Health Department.

Individuals who are at risk of overdosing are connected to a peer care navigator through this collaboration and then the person tracks their treatment progress and checks in on them if they miss appointments or need additional support.

The housing voucher program is being launched through the county’s HEALing Community study in partnership with Columbia University.

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