How to Incorporate Nutrition and Self-Massage Into Your Self-Care Routine



Communicated Content- What does it take to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Some common and logical answers will normally include obtaining the proper amount of rest every night, making certain that we exercise on a regular basis, and avoiding harmful addictions such as smoking or drinking. Diet is likewise a critical factor and unfortunately, one which tends to be glossed over. You might also be surprised that eating certain foods can help to reduce your perceived levels of stress. Some resulting benefits include a stronger immune system, more energy, and fewer days when you feel lethargic. Let us, therefore, take a look at a handful of stress-busting foods before moving on to examine additional ways in which you can obtain a bit of much-needed rest and relaxation.

What Types of Foods Can Help to Reduce Your Perceived Levels of Stress?

You will be very happy to learn that a number of foods offer stress-fighting qualities and that these are also quite tasty. For example, why not chew on a handful of Brazil nuts before heading off to work? Brazil nuts contain a mineral known as selenium that is thought to help reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

If you are in the mood for fish, fresh salmon is another excellent option. While salmon contains a fair amount of protein and is healthy for the heart, its naturally occurring omega fats can help to moderate a stress-related hormone known as cortisol. However, be sure to purchase farm-raised salmon in order to avoid any chemicals or other preservatives.

There are several reasons why eggs are now considered to be one of nature’s perfect foods. Not only do they contain a host of important vitamins and minerals, but their yolks are very high in vitamin D. Vitamin D has been linked to a number of stress reduction benefits and this nutrient may also be able to help you ward off illnesses such as the common cold.

Here are some other surprising foods to consider:

  • Turkey
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dark chocolate
  • Turmeric

Still, there are additional ways to reduce your physical levels of stress by adopting the right techniques.

Taking Physical Stress and Tension Into Account

Many of us tend to hold a significant amount of tension around the neck and shoulders. This can lead to problems such as headaches and migraines. So, why not instead utilize devices such as the PSO Rite in order to melt away this form of physical tension? In addition to eating healthy, some other sure-fire suggestions include practicing yoga, trying to exercise a minimum of three times each week, and making it a point to get plenty of fresh air throughout the day.

When we consider the growing number of adverse health effects directly attributed to stress, it only stands to reason that adopting a proactive approach is the best way to ensure your health for years into the future. The good news is that reducing stress has never tasted better!


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