Widow of Ulster legislator James Maloney named to fill his seat

The late James Maloney and his wife, Brenda, who will assume his seat through the end of the year

KINGSTON – By a 12 to eight margin, the Ulster County Legislature named Brenda Maloney to fill the remainder of the year of the District Four seat that her husband, James, held until his recent untimely death.

Majority Democrats wanted former legislator Brian Cahill to fill the seat. He is running for a full term in November. Republicans lobbied for Brenda Maloney.

In the end, Cahill removed his name from consideration and Mrs. Maloney was voted in to serve through December.

Legislature Chairwoman Tracey Bartels, a Democrat, said she will gladly work with her new colleague going forward.

“I had confidence in Brian Cahill’s candidacy and I respect that he removed his name from consideration,” Bartels said. “Brenda succeeded with the 12 votes that she needed to get the appointment and I look forward to working with her. She is now my legislative colleague.”

Since Maloney’s passing, the Republicans picked Andi Turco-Levin to run for the seat in November.

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