Congress approves funding for Mamaroneck flood mitigation


WASHINGTON – Federal funding for the Mamaroneck-Sheldrake River flood mitigation project appears to be forthcoming as Congress granted authorization to continue to move it forward in the 2018 Water Resource Development Act.
Congressional authorization of the project will allow the Army Corps of Engineers to move ahead with the design and construction of the project to reduce flood risk to the Mamaroneck and Sheldrake River basins.
Once complete, the project will include the construction of retaining
walls and a diversion culvert, and will enable the deepening and widening
of river channels, structure elevation, and the removal/replacement of
two vehicular bridges that constrict flood flow.
The recommended plan is estimated to reduce average annual damages by some 87 percent and will help reduce the risk of loss of life.
The congressional action was announced by Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Eliot Engel (D, NY-16).

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