Kingston advances Broadway Streetscape Project


KINGSTON – In an effort to make the City of Kingston more pedestrian and bicycle-friendly, as well as to reduce traffic, Mayor Steven Noble said another project including the 587/Broadway interchange will be initiated immediately following the current roundabout construction.
The new project will be called the Broadway Streetscape Project and in addition to beautifying Broadway, adding dedicated bike lanes, new streets and sidewalks, it will make the area safer for pedestrian traffic.
“The Broadway Streetscape Project is a holistic, complete redesign of the street,” said Noble. “Our goal is to be able to make Broadway, from 587 to the YMCA, a complete street which will make sure that it has both synchronized traffic signals, so that traffic can move quicker through there, but at slower speeds so it’s safer.”
The cost has yet to be determined, but Noble said they are looking to go to bid either late this year, or spring of next year, with the intent to begin construction in winter 2019/2020.

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