Case of Powassan virus in Dutchess County


POUGHKEEPSIE – The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health has confirmed a case of Powassan virus, a rare but potentially serious tick-borne disease in a county resident.
The individual contracted the virus in the late spring and is currently recovering at home.
Powassan virus can cause symptoms ranging from a mild flu-like illness to life-threatening neurologic disease.
While Powassan virus is a known risk from tick bites, it is a much rarer disease than more commonly diagnosed tick-borne infections like Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis and babesiosis.
Since 2007, there have been 30 cases of Powassan in the state. Dutchess County has had a total of seven cases, with the first recorded in 2009.
The county health department says best practices to prevent tick bites include:

Walking in the center of clear, well-traveled trails and avoiding walking through dense woods or brush.
Wearing light-colored clothing so tickets can be easily spotted; closed-toe shoes; long pants tucked into socks; and long-sleeved shirts as a barrier between your skin and ticks in the environment.
Wearing clothing treated with permethrin to repel and kill ticks.
Using EPA-registered insect repellents containing the active ingredient DEET, Picaridin or IR3535.

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