Sullivan lawmakers say two primaries are a waste of money


MONTICELLO – Most states have one primary, usually sometime in the spring.  The last time New York had a consolidated primary was in 2012.  Since them, it’s back to two. 
The federal office primary was in June.  The state office primary is just over a month away, on September 13.  That’s a Thursday, because Tuesday is September 11, 9-11. 
Sullivan County’s Democrat Election Commissioner, Cora Edwards, told county legislators on Thursday they should take a stand for reason.
“We had a June primary, we have a September primary, we have all these primaries out that are costing taxpayers lots of money,” Edwards said.  “The governor, who has an initiative to consolidate and save taxpayer dollars; I’m not sure why we’re not moving in the direction of consolidation.”
Edwards said part of the problem may be that there is disagreement between the Assembly and Senate on when to hold a consolidated primary.
The full legislature likely will vote on a memorializing resolution supporting one primary next month.

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