Westchester corrections officer attacked, beaten by two inmates


VALHALLA – A Westchester
County corrections officer sustained serious injuries Friday night when
two male inmates attacked him in what authorities said appeared to be
a seemingly unprovoked attack.

The officer sustained head trauma and a broken nose and was transported
to Westchester Medical Center where he was met by his wife, the commissioner
of correction, fellow officers and representatives of the officers’

Commissioner of Correction Joseph Spano said the officer has been released
from the hospital and is home recovering from the serious attack.

“Our priority now is to ensure that he and his family receive the
support and treatment that he needs,” said Spano. “We will
be investigating what led to this incident and will work with the District
Attorney and County Police to ensure that these two assailants are prosecuted
to the fullest extent.”

He said violence against staff members “is unacceptable at every
level and will be dealt with swiftly.”


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