Catholic Charities of Orange and Sullivan expands to Ulster County


KINGSTON – Catholic Charities
of the Archdiocese of New York has incorporated its longstanding programs
in Ulster County under the umbrella of Catholic Charities Community Services
of Orange and Sullivan.
Catholic Charities of Orange and Sullivan brings to Ulster County the state Opioid Targeted Response team, which assists with access to treatment and referrals for those suffering from addiction, especially those who are located in the county’s hard-to-reach areas.
Service includes community-based treatment, telemedicine, and medically-assisted treatment.
The renovated St. Peter’s School at 6 Adams Street in Kingston will continue to serve as a multi-purpose community center and base of operations for Catholic Charities in Ulster County. That location includes a full-service, client-choice food pantry, a specialized kids pantry for diapers, formulas, and other essentials for pregnant women and families with young children; comprehensive case management services; and year-round CYO programming for youths and families in a fully-equipped gym.
It is also home to AgriBusiness Child Development Center’s bilingual early learning center. 

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