Orange County Police Advisory Board recommends safety enhancements to local school districts


Neuhaus, flanked by local law enforcement officials

GOSHEN – The Orange County Police Advisory Board has issued a list of recommendations for local school districts to consider implementing to strength the safety of the children, faculty and staff in their care.
County Executive Steven Neuhaus said with shootings and weapons being brought into schools across the nation, he wants the county to take the lead in addressing concerns locally.
“The reason why I bring this up is over five years ago, Newtown happened and a similar white paper, if you will, was put together and really nothing was implemented in Orange County including the country, so as a father with young kids in schools as well as being the county executive, I think it is apparent that we take the lead here in our county and in our local community,” he said.
County Emergency Services Commissioner Brendan Casey said the recommendations from the advisory board are options for school districts to consider.
“Orange County is a very diverse county. You have very large districts in urban areas, you have small rural districts so the district and the first responders in that area have to come up with something that they are comfortable with,” Casey said. “What we want to is provide some recommendations that we have seen from other districts and from our years of experience that school districts could implement as a best practice. This is a local decision. We are here to provide them with some information.”
The five recommendations from the advisory board include armed officers
in schools, a countywide association on school safety, internal school
district safety group, an analysis of school districts to improve safety
measures, and joining a data sharing program.

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