Trump is “a disgrace” to civil rights, regional NAACP leader says


HAVERSTRAW – The leader
of the Hudson Valley NAACP chapters said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s
legacy has not been eroded by the actions and comments of President Donald

Wilbur Aldridge of Haverstraw, who is head of all of the NAACP chapters
from Rockland and Westchester to Ulster and Dutchess counties, commented
on the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination in Memphis on
April 4, 1968. He was 39 at the time he was killed.

Aldridge, though, did not mince words concerning how he feels about the
current administration.

“I think it is a disgrace for anyone to act in a manner that is
going on now. I think this person in office has done more to allow people
to act out prejudices that they did not feel comfortable doing before,”
he said.
Aldridge said Trump is a man “who sits high and looks low.”

The local civil rights leader said times will get better when people are
told it is not appropriate and will not be tolerated.

Aldridge said Congress must be put on notice that if they allow someone
“to spew this kind of garbage and this kind of rhetoric and this
type of things to the populous, they won’t be there.”

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