Westchester intergovernmental officials unite for better power company response to storm damage


Buchwald, left, and Latimer

WHITE PLAINS – Officials of local governments across Westchester County have united in the message that Consolidated Edison and NYSEG must improve their communication and response when the next storm hits.
It has been generally agreed upon that the storm response by the two utility companies was lacking during the back-to-back storms early this month.
County Executive George Latimer discussed the concerns on Monday.
“There has been a loss of faith in the utility companies and while they are a monopoly in their respective areas, they know that average everyday people, who may or may not have a high opinion to begin with, have a lower opinion today and they restore that faith by executing improvements so that when the average person calls they can get a live person who can give them a real answer faster,” Latimer said.
Assemblyman David Buchwald said Westchester residents are “fed up with the status quo. We, as the public’s representatives, will endeavor tirelessly to address the repeated extended power outages that have plagued our region.”
Local government leaders want more and faster response to customer concerns during storm outages. 

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