Three Mid-Hudson locations nominated for State and National Registers of Historic Places


ALBANY – Two buildings and a cemetery in the Hudson Valley have been recommended to the State and National Registers of Historic Places.
Crane House in Middletown, built in 1897, is a Queen Anne-style home, constructed by the Crane family. It operated as a dairy farm at the site into the 1930s.
Haines Family cemetery in Haines Falls includes an obelisk erected in 1884 in honor of Aaron Haines. It identifies the burial ground as the final resting place of members of his immediate and extended family, who were pioneers in 19th century Catskill tourism.
Pilgrim Furniture Factory in Kingston was constructed between 1946 and 1948 after authorization from the federal government due to the nationwide material shortages. The modernist factory was the first to be built in the Kingston area after World War II. 

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