West Point Mess Hall labor dispute resolved


WEST POINT – A labor dispute involving the 150 employees at the West Point Mess Hall has been averted.
The servers, dishwasher and cleaners, who are represented by Teamsters Local 445, settled their dispute this past week thanks to Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, who mediated the dispute, said union representative Jerry Ebert.
Ebert said the conflict started after West Point decided to withdraw its offer of a $1 per hour raise each year for the next two years and banned him from the mess hall for calling for a strike vote.
“The workers had voted unanimously for the raise after it was negotiated, so they were ready to stop working when the Army backed out of the deal,” said Ebert.
The strike vote was unanimous by the employees, but the Army reinstated the raises last week and Ebert said he was allowed to return to the mess hall.

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