Over two decades of annual Poughkeepsie Dr. King marches


POUGHKEEPSIE – Monday marked the 23rd annual Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. march through the City of Poughkeepsie. Each year the event is held on the national holiday marking the civil rights leader’s birthday. Some 100 people participated on Monday.

Marchers gathered in front of county officices on Market Street

Community activist Mae Parker-Harris said now more than ever, Dr. King’s dream must be followed.
“We need in the City of Poughkeepsie to pull the grassroots people together,” Parker-Harris said. “We have a lot of problems here and if we get problems straightened in Poughkeepsie, we can move on to other cities and other towns because it needs to start somewhere.”
President Trump is not helping the mood in the nation, Parker-Harris said. “I don’t even want to put Number 45 in my vocabulary these days, things are so discouraging,” she said.
Dutchess County Legislator Joel Tyner coordinated the annual event. 

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