Hein signs 2018 Ulster County budget


KINGSTON – Ulster County
Executive Michael Hein Thursday signed the county’s $323.8 million
budget for next year saying its formulation was a partnership with the
county legislature.

The spending plan lowers county property taxes for the fourth consecutive

Hein said the county is focused on creating a model government that delivers
services for all county residents.

“I am proud with the work we are doing in justice and giving second
chances to 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds and trying to change the trajectory
of their lives so that they have more opportunity,” he said. “We
are proud of what this budget does as far as helping those among us most
vulnerable and simultaneously I am proud of the economic development that
resulted in our unemployment rate being cut in half.”
The budget also continues the county’s investment in infrastructure
by including an additional $16 million to upgrade county roads, bridges
and signage.


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