New York’s Capitol Christmas tree born and raised in Orange County


TOWN OF WARWICK – New York State’s agriculture commissioner, Richard Ball, was on a mission on Tuesday.  The challenge – find a perfect Christmas tree for a prominent place in Albany. 

Tree farm owner Curt Emmerich suggests a possible tree

Ball agreed, and was reminded the farm is ‘cut your own’

The endeavor is also part of a major branding initiative called “New York State Grown and Certified.”
 “We wanted to take it and work for all our ag products across the state and so we have criteria for Christmas trees,” Ball said.  “We’re working on wood products, equine, livestock.  We’re just going to keep going.  Oysters, even.  So, we have this opportunity to build a brand and with those criteria, we’re able to now say the products that are produced in New York State, with the New York grown and certified brand, are grown to a higher standard than anywhere else in the United States.”
The first “New York State Grown and Certified” tree farm is on a rolling hillside in a rural part of the Town of Warwick.
Curt Emmerich planted the first trees in 2007 and started selling them in 2012.  He has about 5,000 trees ready to sell, starting the day after Thanksgiving, and another 5,000 maturing trees. 
Emmerich was honored that Ball is picking one of his trees for the Capitol
“I’m really excited that he’s coming to this part of New York State to see what kind of agritourism we have going here, our connection with New York City, as a market to New York City and how we’re utilizing that and sustaining agriculture, using also the tourism angle of it,” Emmerich said.
Also welcoming the state team was town Supervisor Michael Sweeton.
“It’s very special to have a tree chosen from Warwick to represent the Christmas Tree Association in New York State, so we’re excited and we’re honored and it showcases our great industry.”
After a stroll down a steep hill and looking at several prospective candidates, the perfect tree was found.  Ball cut it by hand and it is now headed to Albany. 

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