Federally funded “Jobs Waiting” program expands emphasis


MID-HUDSON – The seven-county
Hudson Valley region will share $4 million for the inaugural bootcamp
of the expanded federally-funded “Jobs Waiting” workforce
program to train 400 people ages 17 to 29 in good paying jobs in the area.
Of the total, 68 individuals will participate in the program in Orange County in a curriculum that expands on previous years’ concentration on the healthcare industry, said County Executive Steven Neuhaus.
“What this new commitment will allow us to do, not only stay with healthcare, but to now include advanced manufacturing, like you have Pratt and Whitney-type jobs, bio-technology, and information technology which is another growing field in our community,” Neuhaus said.
The program is administered by the Westchester Putnam Workforce Development Board and includes the counties of Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster and Sullivan. 

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