Sullivan County eyes creation of crisis stabilization center


MONTICELLO – Sullivan County Legislature Chairman Luis Alvarez has on his agenda creation of a county crisis stabilization center and he would like to model it after Dutchess County’s facility.
To that end, Alvarez and County Legislator Nadia Rajsz met with Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro to tour that county’s center this week.
Alvarez said his county is already making plans for a facility for people in crisis.
“There is a void where people in need of medical treatment know exactly where to go; when a person is detoxing and he is at that threshold, he will know exactly where to go. What happens when he is in nowhere land where he doesn’t know where he is going.”
Alvarez said he is also studying Orange County’s plans for a stabilization center for ideas on how to develop one in Sullivan County. 

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