Lowey, Maloney oppose end to DACA


WASHINGTON – Saying you can’t punish children for the sins of their parents, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D, NY-18) said he opposes the Trump Administration’s plan to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
Maloney called it a “cruel and stupid idea” to send people to another country they barely remember. He said Congress needs to “get off their butts” and pass a comprehensive fix to the broken immigration system.
“The President has once again has gone out of his way to generate division and bad feelings for no reason. He could have easily sent a bill up to Capitol Hill to fix the issue he is concerned about,” Maloney said.
Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D, NY-17) called the end of DACA “immoral and wrong.”
She said the action “continues a pattern of anti-immigration actions and policies by the Republican Party.
Lowey said in “an undemocratic and underhanded move, majority leadership stripped from an upcoming spending package a bipartisan provision, introduced by Appropriations Democrats, that makes DACA recipients eligible from federal jobs. 

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