White Plains Department of Public Safety slams Trump on treatment of suspects


WHITE PLAINS – The White Plains Department of Public Safety, Monday, issued a statement saying law enforcement officers “are trained to treat all individuals, whether they are a complainant, suspect, or defendant, with dignity and respect. This is the bedrock principle behind the concepts of procedural justice and police legitimacy.”
The statement of policy comes following President Trump’s comments to a gathering of police officers on Long Island in which he suggested officers should be rough on suspects.
The White Plains Police bureau echoed the International Association of Chiefs of Police statement:
“Managing use of force is one of the most difficult challenges faced by law enforcement agencies. The ability of law enforcement officers to enforce the law, protect the public, and guard their own safety, the safety of innocent bystanders, and even those suspected or apprehended for criminal activity is very challenging. For these reasons, law enforcement agencies develop policies and procedures, as well as conduct extensive training, to ensure that any use is carefully applied and objectively reasonable considering the situation confronted by the officers.”
Trump’s press secretary on Monday tried to dismiss the comment as a “joke.”  Few in law enforcement are taking it that way.

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