Stewart gears up for international service


The passenger terminal will be a lot busier by mid-month

STEWART AIRPORT – In a little over a week – Thursday, June 15 – International flights from Stewart International Airport to Europe will begin with Norwegian Air’s flights to Edinburgh, Scotland.
The airport is gearing up for the service, which is expected to double the number of passengers currently using the Newburgh area airport.
The queue lines for passengers to be screened by TSA agents have been
extended and Customs and Border Protection agencies, which have reported
to Stewart on demand for charter flights, will be stationed there now,
said airport Manager Ed Harrison.
“They will be ramping up, with added personnel,” Harrison
said. “CBP and TSA have been enlisting. A lot of folks want to work
here; it is a great environment to work in.”
The Norwegian Air service to Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and
Norway is the first regularly scheduled foreign service at Stewart since
United Express flew daily to Toronto. That only lasted several months
back in 1992.