Sullivan County’s newest medical facility open for business


Galarneau (podium) introduced several dignitaries who spoke

THOMPSON – Groundbreaking was just seven months ago.  Now, Catskill Regional Medical Group’s new Urgent Care and Primary Care office, in the busy Thompson-Monticello area, is open.  Dedication was on Thursday.
CRMC CEO and CMO Dr. Gerard Galarneau began by thanking a long list of medical professionals, architects, builders, unions and county and local officials for making it a smooth process.
“Your efforts and commitment to this community will create health for generations to come,”
Galarneau was the first of many speakers to refer to the occasion as a “great day” for Sullivan County.
That included Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, a health professional.
“I’ve got this great feeling that Sullivan County is moving in the right direction,” Gunther said.
State Senator John Bonacic said the facility and its staff “will prolong life and they will save lives.”
County Manager Joshua Potosek was one of several who noted what has become an unavoidable statistic; Sullivan ranks 61st out of 62 counties for health outcomes in New York State.
“I promise you Sullivan County is committed to climbing into the ranks of the healthiest counties in New York State,” Potosek said.  “This is a war we will not lose; we cannot lose.”
About 200 crowded under a tent on a cool, breezy, wet afternoon for the half-hour ceremony.   
The Kiamesha facility is almost in the shadow of the Catskills’ only casino, Resorts World, expected to have hundreds of daily visitors, perhaps thousands on weekends.  That dedication is scheduled for 278 days from now. 

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