Sullivan County Land Bank ramps up operations


MONTICELLO – Equipped with a $920,000 state grant, the Sullivan County Land Bank is moving forward with its mission of revitalizing blighted areas of Monticello and Liberty.
The agency’s first order of business is to hire a full-time executive
director, who will identify properties to be removed from the county auction
process, improved so they are no longer a blight on surrounding neighborhoods,
and restored to private ownership, said County Economic Development Director
Freda Eisenberg.
“We do not expect to make from the properties. The point of a land bank is to correct failures in the marketplace,” Eisenberg said. “These are not economically viable properties. We will be selling them, but we won’t return a profit.”
A list of blighted properties has yet to be established.
The Sullivan Land Bank is based on the City of Newburgh’s Land Bank, which was the first to be formed in the Hudson Valley/Catskills region. 

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