Registered sex offender charged with sexual exploitation of minor



WHITE PLAINS – A registered sex offender in Westchester County is charged by federal authorities with persuading a 14-year-old girl to engage in sexually explicit activity, video it, and sent it to him via Instagram.
The amended complaint also charges David Ohnmacht, 36, of Katonah, with engaging in that conduct while being a registered sex offender.
If convicted, he faces 35 to 50 years in prison.
Ohnmacht allegedly persuaded the girl to send him sexually explicit videos of herself and threatened to release it to her friends if she didn’t send more of them.
“Those alleged predators have more access in this digital age than they’ve ever had before, but as parents we have to be the first line of defense by talking with [our children] and making sure they know the dangers that lurk online,” said FBI Assistant Director William Sweeney, Jr.
Ohnmacht’s prior convictions involved four victims, who ranged in age from 13 to 15. As a result of those convictions, he was required to register with the state’s Ex Offender Registry. 

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