Prayer walk marks Putnam County Martin Luther King remembrance


Members of four churches coordinated the prayer walk

BREWSTER – Congregations from the Christian and Jewish faiths coordinated Putnam County’s prayer walk in Brewster on Monday to mark the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birth. This was Putnam County’s first Dr. King walk.
The march was coordinated by members of the First United Methodist Church, First Baptist Church and St. Andrew’s Church, all of Brewster, and Temple Beth Elohim in Southeast.
Pastor Travis Mitchell of the First Baptist Church said the peace walk was meant “to help bring light, positivity, understanding and awareness to the various issues of immigration in our area.”
Rev. Wongee Joh of the Methodist Church told the 100 participants that the “demonstration serves as a sign of hope that what the late Dr. King envisioned as a love for community and love for one another will result throughout our village and our county.”
Wongee prayed that “no bitterness and friction results between people of different origins and backgrounds and that we all become friends.”
Rev. Joh said “people have a love for God as well as a love for their neighbors. This is not a means to an end. It is a means for all to join together with open hearts and open arms.” 

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