Still no state check to purchase former Middletown federal courthouse


City still waiting to move into this building

MIDDLETOWN – It was months ago that the documentation was given to the state to prove that environmental remediation of the former federal courthouse in Middletown has been performed and the site was clean as a whistle.
The city wants to purchase the building and remodel it as a city courthouse, but it cannot move forward with the project until the state releases the $2.7 million that Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther secured for the purchase.
Mayor Joseph DeStefano said when the money arrives, the purchase will be completed and the remodeling will begin.
“Once the award letter is officially received by the city, we are ready to close,” DeStefano said. “There were some environmental issues that had to be cleared up and have been. The issue now is for the state Dormitory Authority to release the money.”
The purchase price of the private building is $2.2 million with the city
contributing $650,000 toward renovations to bring the facilities up to
city court standards.

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