Police union: Chief Cameron is “21st century, modern day, forward thinking”



NEWBURGH – The Police Superior Officers Association of Newburgh has announced it is “fully supportive” of Police Chief Daniel Cameron, his efforts, his vision and his decision to not take the City of Newburgh’s ‘Open Competitive’ police chief’s exam.” Sgt. Kevin Lahar, president of the union, said Cameron “is a 21st century, modern day, forward thinking, proactive police chief who has re-established the City of Newburgh Police Department as a highly respected and professional police force.”
Lahar’s comments come as some in the community continue to criticize Cameron and his refusal to take the city’s open competitive civil service exam. Cameron felt he should have been given the opportunity to take a promotional exam since he has served on the Newburgh force for some 20 years.
Cameron did take the Orange County exam for police chief and while he scored 100, the state has ruled that since qualifications for the county and city are different, the county test cannot be used by Newburgh to name Cameron permanent chief.
“The fact that he still wants to be the police chief in the City of Newburgh while being compensated at a significantly lower salary than other police chiefs in Orange County speaks volumes of Chief Cameron’s passion, commitment and dedication to providing the City of Newburgh and its residents with a police force that would rival most across the country,” said Lahar.

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