Broken Middletown water main was over 100 years old


Sooner or later, old pipes break

MIDDLETOWN – Mayor Joseph DeStefano doesn’t have a full cost yet, but the 20-inch water main that broke in Middletown over the weekend was over a century old.
It’s going to carry a pretty hefty price tag, but the line has performed well over the years, DeStefano said.
“We had about an eight- to ten-man crew there for 24 to 36 hours
and the pipe itself is pretty costly,” the mayor said.  “I
haven’t seen the bill, but it’s going to be significant, but
it’s an old main and well over 100 years old, so I guess we got
our money’s worth.”he said.
A large chunk of the city was without water for over a day, while city DPW staff worked around the clock to replace the line. 

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