Newburgh councilman suggests selling beer at stadium


Would beer bring more people to Delano-Hitch Stadium?

NEWBURGH – The stadium at Newburgh’s Delano-Hitch Park is underutilized and one way to increase that use and revenue is by selling beer, according to one city councilman.
Terrance Harvey told the city council Monday night beer sales should be considered during certain events. That was met by a recommendation not to do it by city corporation counsel Michelle Kelson.
“When people go to a ball game, they buy beer at baseball games at other cities throughout the United States,” Harvey said.  
Not so fast, Kelson cautioned. “At professional baseball stadiums I agree.  They are privately owned; they are privately run. I don’t think alcohol in our local parks, at events where primarily children are playing is a good idea.”
Harvey retorted, “What is this, a temperance movement?”
Mayor Judy Kennedy said alcoholic beverages have never been sold at city-owned property because of the liability issue.
“The minute some accident or some issue or somebody goes off the rails because of the alcohol served on our property, we are as a city liable for that issue and I believe,” the mayor said.
No decisions were made, but the issue is not dead one as Harvey wants to continue exploring it. 

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