Newburgh adds ‘complete streets, pedestrian safety’ program to lower Broadway


NEWBURGH – Armed with some
$75,000 in grant money from Central Hudson, the City of Newburgh has finished
a Complete Streets Demonstration project on lower Broadway aimed at making
the street safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and buses and other street

Concept includes “bump-outs” or safe zones extending the area in which pedestrians can proceed
into the street before crossing

The project was predominantly centered on Broadway and Liberty Street, said City Planner Alexandra Church.
“We have added things on the streets called bump-outs, which are a painted area in our case, that can either be painted or built – ours are painted to start with and they kind of expand the realm of the sidewalk into the street for a little bit to basically make it a shorter span that a pedestrian has to cross the road,” Church said. “So, you shorten the crosswalk by bringing the sidewalk out, basically to behind where a parked car would be.”
The city also installed new bicycle racks and wide “zebra stripe” cross walks painted across Broadway, much like the iconic Abby Road crosswalk made famous by the Beatles back in the late 1960s.

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