Newburgh seeks federal grant for “Shot Spotter” program


NEWBURGH – City officials in Newburgh will apply for a federal grant of more than $432,000 to purchase the “Shot Spotter” program, designed to put a lid on gunfire on the streets.
The technology, used in several cities nationwide, including, locally, Mount Vernon, employs sensors all over the city, which pick up the sound of gunshots and, in real time, reports where they are occurring.
The Newburgh city council voted Monday night to apply for the grant, which City Manager Michael Ciaravino said would make a big difference in curbing the almost nightly episodes of gunfire.
“With this technology we are going to be able to have immediate reportage,” Ciaravino said to applause of city residents. “Anywhere that this technology is being used it has shown a marked decrease of gunshots being fired in communities.”
City Councilwoman Karen Mejia said gunfire is no joke.
“The consequences of a bullet are real,” Mejia said. “It’s not like you can reset a game and start all over again. It is just a really bad reality that we need assistance with.”

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