Exit 131 interchange redesign expected to start in one year


CENTRAL VALLEY – Local southern Orange County officials can’t
wait for the redesign of the Route 17 Exit 131 interchange to get underway.

The $115 million project was approved days ago as part of the state’s
2016-17 budget.

Woodbury Village Mayor Michael Queenan is looking forward to the improved
traffic flow.

“This was a long time coming. Woodbury has suffered for many, many
years with the traffic congestion in this area,” he said.

A number of municipal officials gathered with State Assemblyman James
Skoufis, who is credited with shepherding it through the approval process,
along Route 32 in front of Woodbury Common Factory Outlets on Monday.
Skoufis said once the construction work begins, it should take over one
year to complete.

“We are moving the traffic more expeditiously and more efficiently
onto the Thruway where most of the Woodbury Common traffic is going back
to New York City, going back down south, sometimes down to New Jersey,”
he said.
The timing couldn’t be better especially with the additional traffic
generated by the Montreign Casino and Resort being constructed in Kiamesha

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