Former Somers target shooting site to be remediated


SOMERS – A four-acre undeveloped parcel in Somers that is a portion of a New York City Department of Environmental Protection buffer zone for the Amawalk Reservoir is going to be cleaned up as part of a Brownfield Cleanup Program.
The property on Route 118 is contaminated with lead from 30 years of use for trap shooting and target shooting – from 1938 to 1968. Those activities have contaminated the ground surface and soils of the site and adjacent Brownfields Cleanup site.
The investigation of the site was performed from 2003 to 2007 and a pre-design delineation study was conducted in 2009.
Cleanup action for the site to be performed by the state Department of Environmental Conservation includes excavation of soil that exceeds the unrestricted soil cleanup objectives and transportation of the soil off-site for disposal and replacing it with clean soil.
Once the work has been completed, a state DEC final engineering report will be prepared. 

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