Schumer says Indian Point cannot be closed until an alternative energy supply is identified


Bad location, agrees Schumer, but he contends shutting
Indian Point down now is not

BUCHANAN – Saying the Indian Point nuclear power plant should never have been built where it is because of its close proximity to a largely populated area, US Senator Charles Schumer does not, however, support the movement to shut it down immediately.
The senator said the plant provides some 25 percent of the power to the downstate area making it invaluable.
“I have told some of the environmental people if you can show me a plan to figure out a way to replace that electricity, fine, but if you can’t, it’s going to raise electricity rates 30 or 40 percent, which are high enough on average people and that’s not the way to go. In the meantime, I have emphasized very strong safety,” Schumer said.
The senator said there hasn’t been anyone tougher than himself on Indian Point’s owner, Entergy, over safety and incidents such as last week’s leak of low levels of radioactive water.

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