Lange formally launches campaign for 18th Congressional District



BEDFORD – Another Republican candidate for the 18th Congressional District has emerged as John Lange of Bedford Hills formally threw his hat into the ring on Monday.
“I’m running for Congress because Washington needs fresh voices and representatives who are willing to stand up and tackle the politically unpopular issues that our country is facing,” Lange said.
Several candidates will face off in a June GOP primary election. The survivor takes on the winner of a Democratic primary pitting incumbent Democrat Sean Patrick Maloney against Diana Hird.
“The Hudson Valley and the entire country are in desperate need of jobs and economic growth – and two percent growth isn’t cutting it,” Lange said. “The congressman representing us right now has been a yes-man to Obama’s failed economic policies.”
Lange said from Maloney’s “support of the Obama doctrine of leading from behind, his support of the Iran deal, and his recent flip-flop requiring refugees to undergo security screening before being allowed into the United States, Congressman Maloney has proven to be an unserious representative.”  

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