Rules protest dominates brief Dutchess Legislature meeting


POUGHKEEPSIE – It has become an annual event for the Dutchess County Legislature at the January monthly business meeting – debate over adoption of the rules of the legislature.  For many years, Democrat Joel Tyner has sought changes.
One in particular comes up every year.  It is to allow public comment on non-agenda items at the beginning of the meeting.  This year, he got six other legislators to side with him, but the motion failed on a 7 to 18 vote.
The first public comment period will remain for agenda items only.  The second public comment, at the end of the meeting, is open to any topic. 
The other change Tyner pushed was to eliminate the four-sponsor requirement for memorializing resolutions. 
Tyner claimed he is often the victim of the rules and it does not always
apply to memorializations.
“Plenty of resolutions I’ve had three cosponsors for that were kept off the agenda,” Tyner claimed.  “But, frankly, between you and me and the hole in the wall, the rules right here before us say that anytime I just have one other legislator as a cosponsor, for any type of resolution.”
Only one other legislator supported Tyner on that one.  The proposal to change the rule failed. 
The meeting lasted a half-hour.   

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