NEWBURGH – One day after it was revealed that Newburgh City Council members’ iPad data that were stored on the cloud had been deleted, it is back.
City Manager Michael Ciaravino told council members at the Thursday night session that because of a data breach, he ordered the data removed. But Councilwoman Cindy Holmes took exception, saying she wanted it restored along with her notes and photos on constituent issues and her accomplishments while on the council for the last two years.
On Friday night, Mayor Judy Kennedy announced all city data had been restored to council iPads and all efforts are being made to recover the personal data.
Holmes said she is not going to stop her investigation there. She is taking the issue to the state attorney general’s office.
“I want to get my data back,” she said. “I want to know as far as record retention, I feel that this has to be public information because it seems like everyone wanted to slip this under the rug, because if something comes out that something happened, I don’t want them to say I was a part of it.”
Kennedy said Friday night a team is being formed to update the city’s technology management policy to include the data management policies for iPads and what data should or should not be stored on iCloud.
“The use of iPads as city technology tools is relatively new and their purpose has expanded beyond the original plan when first introduced three years ago,” the mayor said.