Columbia County begins Vivitrol program for jail inmates


HUDSON – The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office and Twin County Recovery Service will implement a Vivitrol program for inmates at the county jail.
Vivitrol is a non-narcotic that works with the same receptors that Suboxone and methadone effort. Vivitrol prevents the user from feeling the effects of an opioid. The pharmaceutical company that produces the medication, Alkermes, Inc., will provide the initial injection as part of a scholarship program at no cost to the county or inmate.  The medication can also be used by alcoholics who need the additional assistance to remain sober.
Inmates are pre-screened by Twin County Recovery Services and if they are deemed appropriate participants for the program, must agree to certain conditions before beginning the program, including outpatient counseling and treatment when released from the county jail.
The injection will be given to the inmates before their release from jail and must apply for insurance while still in the facility.  When released from jail, inmates must ensure that their insurance coverage has started.
The insurance enrollment program began last year in conjunction with the Columbia County Healthcare Consortium to begin enrolling inmates in the county jail under the Affordable Care Act.
“With the current heroin epidemic that is impacting our county, to participate in a program that may help one person change their life and at the same time have no financial impact to the county, is something that we must pursue,” said Sheriff David Bartlett.

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