Food Recovery Task Force launched in Rockland


NEW CITY – The new Rockland County Food Recovery Task Force kicked off Monday with initial discussion on how to identify ways to reduce and recover food waste to feed the hungry.
The task force is the brainchild of County Legislature Chairman Alden Wolfe.
“The goal is to address the issue of food insecurity by making sure that otherwise edible food doesn’t end up in the waste stream,” Wolfe said. “We will be partnering with food banks, food pantries, feeding organizations, to try to divert edible food from the waste stream, find its way to people’s stomachs and also to reduce the volume of food waste that is sent off to landfills.”  
Participating in the initial session were officials of the state Department of Environmental Conservation, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Rockland County Health Department and the New York State Association of Counties.

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