Molinaro wants any county support to fight Poughkeepsie crime to be sustainable


POUGHKEEPSIE – Top officials from Dutchess County and Poughkeepsie governments met behind closed doors on Tuesday to discuss how the county can assist the city in fighting crime.
In recent weeks, violent crime has been on the rise with a number of shootings, two of which were fatal.
Following the session, County Executive Marcus Molinaro said any support
provided by the county must be long-term.
“We want as a community to be able to support City of Poughkeepsie
efforts to solve these crimes to make an impact in the community and to
have a sustainable response so that we can more adequately respond to
the broader issues – reality and perception –  that is
crime to be addressed in the city,” he said.
Molinaro and Legislature Chairman Robert Rolison will meet privately on Thursday with community stakeholders to further discuss their proposed plans to assist Poughkeepsie’s crime fighting efforts. 

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