NRC conducts inspection of leaking water at Indian Point after transformer fire


BUCHANAN – A team of inspectors from
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is at the Indian Point power plant seeking
to better understand the presence of water in an electrical supply room
at unit 3 following the transformer failure at the site on May 9.

The room in question contains electrical equipment that provides power
to plant safety systems.

None of the electrical equipment became wet or had any damage or failures
from the water, regional NRC Administrator Daniel Dorman said. But the
inspectors will be gathering information on how the water accumulated
in the room and any potential for impacts that there been a significantly
larger amount of water.

NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan said about three inches of water accumulated
on the floor.

Entergy, meanwhile, said that following activation of the fire-fighting
sprinkler system during the transformer fire, “operators identified
a small amount of water on a floor, and were prepared to take steps to
mitigate it prior to the water quickly receding.”

An Entergy statement on Tuesday said by design, a small amount of water
from the sprinkler system flows to a floor drain inside the building.
“Due to multiple sprinkler systems activating for this event, the
water did not drain as quickly as expected.”

The company said their own engineers are continuing to investigate the
issue and will work with the NRC to take any appropriate action.


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