Program expansion planning underway at Touro Medical College


MIDDLETOWN – Touro College in Middletown is in the midst of its first year of classes for osteopathic medical students and school officials are already exploring program expansions.
College President Dr. Alan Kadish said they are looking into the possibility of adding nursing and dental programs among others to the curriculum in Middletown.
“There are a number of regulatory requirements that are needed for each of those programs and some may be ready in the near future, some may take a couple of years to push through, but we have plans both in Valhalla and Middletown to expand our educational offerings to meet communities needs and health science is a focus of our entire institution and certainly the focus of those two campuses,” Kadish said.
Touro also operates New York Medical College in Valhalla.
In Middletown, they are working toward approval of a one-year program master’s program in bio-medical sciences that cam prepare people to work in industry or go to medical school.

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