Two cases of chickenpox in one week reported in Warwick school district


WARWICK – The Warwick Valley Central School District is working with the Orange County Health Department on two reports of chickenpox in the past week.
Superintendent Dr. David Leach told parents in a letter saying that while the illness is not usually serious, “it can cause serious complications such as pneumonia and on rare occasions can be life-threatening.” 
Leach said a relatively mild case can result in a student being out of school for a week and some children who are vaccinated may still develop it.  He said if a child does develop chickenpox, he or she should stay at home until the lesions are completely scabbed over, even if they received the vaccine.
Vaccination is the best way to prevent chickenpox, Leach told parents. Washing hands for 20 seconds often with soap and warm water is a way to stay healthy, he said. 

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