Sullivan County has not begun to recruit new DFHS commissioner


County officials happy with the job being done by
Moon, left, and Todora

MONTICELLO – The acting Sullivan County Division of Health and Family Services commissioner and the consultant the county hired are doing such a good job at straightening out the department that the county has not yet begun to look for a new permanent commissioner.
Former Commissioner Randy Parker was suspended weeks ago, and later fired.  Deputy Commissioner Joseph Todora was named acting commissioner and Dr. William Moon, a former employee, was brought back from retirement.
The state was very critical of the way Parker ran the department.  A consultant recently praised the work Todora and Moon are doing.
County Legislature Chairman Scott Samuelson said no actual recruitment
effort is underway.
“I don’t believe there has been a formal search started,” Samuelson said.  “We are still relying on the interim at this point and that seems to be going well, but we will be looking at that in the very near future.”  

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