Lowey vows to fight proposed cuts in federal student grant and loan programs


VALHALLA – Congresswoman Nita Lowey
(D, NY-17) Friday said she would continue to fight cuts in federal grant
and loan programs proposed by House Republicans.

Lowey held a summit with administrators and students from Westchester
Community College and Pace University in Valhalla.

“Most of these students are working two or three jobs, literally
getting by, are literally suffering with the burden of student debt,”
she said. “So for anybody to even think about cutting the Pell grants
and not giving it a cost of living increase is making a huge mistake.
The federal grants and loan programs help students afford college and
avoid mountains of student debt.”
Dr. Belinda Miles, Westchester Community’s president, said cutting
programs that help finance student education “would have a severe
negative impact on their futures.”

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